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4 Doors Bio Fingerprint & RFID Time Attandance Security Control provides all the best features with an exciting discount price of 335.993$ which is a bargain. It possesses numerous qualities including time, RFID, Push and exit button.
We video wire can setup also provide include: 4 Code Access control+Time Device Electric Magnetic Lock(600lbs Force) x Power input, 3A power system) 4 Exit button100 RFID Keychains1 Software/User manual/Wire Guide Fingerprint Access Device:: Identification Mode: Fingerprint/ Card/ Fingerprint 3,000; Log Communication: TCP/IP USB Support Language+Voice: Connect: support 26 Input+Output Anti-passback: Available Power DC 12V/1A Supply: Power a stable access and exit button. reduce the of controller, reduce hidden Set NC outputs, can types of electric Based circuit, lock time can in 0-15 Magnetic lock Load / 600pounds Current Protection Magnetism.